
Spiking Sunday Supper with Eggnog Recipes

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This week, #SundaySupper is chatting all about eggnog recipes. It’s not just the ‘nog you drink. There’s baked goods, breakfast pastries, and delicious desserts.

This week, #SundaySupper is chatting all about eggnog recipes. It's not just the 'nog you drink. There's baked goods, breakfast pastries, and delicious desserts.

Now, in our house, there’s one who loves eggnog and one who doesn’t.  It’s like cilantro, I think; you either love it or hate it.   There’s no take it or leave with the famous holiday beverage.

Speaking of which, do you know how old eggnog is?  It’s quite old according to culinary historians.  One of the websites I stubmled on said it used to be a digestive aid.

While England and North American probably consume the most eggnog, there are a few other variations.  Mexico has rompop and Puerto Rico has coquito.  If you haven’t made the latter, you really should.  It’s eggnog mashed with a pina colada.  At least the colada part, is.  And taste amazing.

Either way you serve it up, eggnog is almost as highly debated as politics (or elections of late).  It’s like cranberries at Thanksgiving; a require element for the holidays.

This week, #SundaySupper is chatting all about eggnog recipes. It's not just the 'nog you drink. There's baked goods, breakfast pastries, and delicious desserts.

Baked Goods


Breakfast and Breakfast Pastries


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