Swedish Meatball Sloppy Joes
I deconstructed our favorite Swedish meatball recipe and turned them into delicious Swedish Meatball Sloppy Joes.
Apparently, on Monday, there was a fire in the station about 2 blocks from work. I’m so glad I don’t have to take Metro often. I am oblivious to all the trials and tribulations of taking public railways in this area. At least those that are of the underground fashion. My railway is usually above ground for the most part.
So, Metro did the unprecedented and shut down for an entire day. No, it was actually MORE than a day. 24 hours to be exact. Do have any idea how many HUNDREDS of thousands of people this affected? Not just Federal employees alone were affected. Here’s how it all went down casa de AKHA.
We’re driving home and I get a text message alerting me to the fact that Metro is going to shut down. I tell the hubs, who immediate calls his guards and his boss. His guards rely HEAVILY on the Metrorail system. He gets an email from the hotel he works for alerting their personnel to the situation. Several other text messages ensue about a training that was to happen today at work that was rescheduled. I suggested that one person on the training group make a quick run into work to get his laptop to telework. Thankfully, he was able to do that before Metro shut down.
We get home, put comfies on, and then I walk the dog because the hubs has to coordinate additional coverage because the hotel seems to think something “else” is going on that Metro isn’t telling us about and they want double covered.
Are you KIDDING ME? He can’t even get guards to cover one shift if someone doesn’t show up!! Now you want him to double the coverage?? They cray cray. Seriously. But, of course, he works his magic and finds enough guards to cover the extra security needs. *snort*
We can eat, chill, wait for OPM to weigh in, then hit the hay. I toss and turn. It’s going to be a nightmare commuting in with all the masses that NOW have to drive in to work. It wasn’t as bad as I thought. We had like an 8 to 10 minute delay due to heavier traffic than normal. I get in to work and…
Ghost town.
Seriously. There’s not a SOUL that shows up until about 7:45 or so? Then they start to trickle in. We have a total of six at one point, but one has to bail – the boss – due a sick kiddo. And now we’re down to 5. At least on our side. I think there was 12 on the other side? So, that’s 17 out of 50 total in our floor. That sort of gives you an idea of how this shut down impacted our office and how it probably affected Federal offices like ours across the area.
Yeah, this has NOTHING to do with the recipe I’m sharing today. Well, except for the fact that I could have easily whipped this up when we got home today and I took the photos at work. It comes together – like all sloppy joe type recipes – in no time flat!! And it tasted so amazingly good, that the hubs said we could have that again. It honestly DID taste just like my Swedish meatball recipe.
I owe this all to the caraway seeds, nutmeg, and sour cream in the mix. These three ingredients alone really do make up MY Swedish meatball recipe and I couldn’t wait to deconstruct these delicious orbs of goodness into a sloppy joe recipe. And, I gotta tell ya, I can’t wait to make this again. I don’t usually do repeat offenders, but I am definitely putting this recipe #onthemenu again. It was THAT GOOD. Seriously.
Just look at that mushroom perched there screaming, “EAT ME NO!” Can ya year it? And that sauce? It’s so tangy and delicious. It’s like the gravy you want topped over your meatballs and noodles, but concentrated and on a bun. Yup. I said concentrated and on a bun! It’s like Swedish meatball concentrate. So good.
Oh.my.word. See what I mean? If your family is even remotely picky, this recipe is for them. It’s creamy, beefy, hearty, amazingly Swedish meatball filled, buns of goodness. I kid you not. This recipe is going to be a family pleaser no matter how picky they are.
Especially if you serve them up with Easy Fries. I can’t say enough good things about these babies. Yes, I’m sure they’re full of sodium and whatever, but from what I remember from my college days, they’re not bad as far as fries goes. You microwave them in the special containers that have that plastic that makes things crisp. They take no time at all, and are relatively low in fat, as far as French fries goes.
Okay enough about those delicious little convenience boxes of tastiness. They’re the perfect pair with these simply delicious sloppy joes. What’s your favorite sloppy joe recipe?

Swedish Meatball Sloppy Joes
I deconstructed our favorite Swedish meatball recipe and turned them into delicious Swedish Meatball Sloppy Joes.
- 1 pound ground beef
- 2 cups thinly sliced mushrooms
- 1/2 cup fat free beef broth
- 1 teaspoon garlic salt
- 1 teaspoon caraway seed
- 1/2 teaspoon black pepper
- 1/8 teaspoon nutmeg
- 1/2 cup water
- 2 tablespoons cornstarch
- 1/4 cup fat free sour cream
- 8 hamburger buns
- Heat a large skillet coated with cooking spray over medium-high heat. Add the mushrooms and saute until tender; about 5 to 7 minutes.
- Crumble the beef into the mushrooms and cook until the beef is browned.
- Stir in the next four ingredients (broth through pepper), cover, and simmer 10 to 15 minutes or until the beef is cooked through.
- Combine the water with the starch. Remove the lid from the beef and stir in the cornstarch mixture. Stir occasionally until the mixture turns thick. It should thicker than you’re comfortable with.
- Remove the mixture from the heat and stir in the sour cream. Serve on top of your favorite buns with Easy Fries.
Where is the nutmeg ? The top says the secret is nutmeg ?
Thank you! I don’t know how I missed that one. I use about 1/8 teaspoon or a large pinch.
But where is the lingonberry jam? A dollop of that and these would be perfect?
That’s not the easiest thing to come by here. LOL