
25+ Summer Dinner Salad Recipes

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As the weather heats ups, we turn to cool greens and entree salads. Here’s around up of 25+ Summer Dinner Salad Recipes!

25+ Summer Dinner Salad Recipes #SundaySupper

I don’t know about you, but when summertime heats up, I don’t want to be anywhere near the kitchen!  I’ve got you covered!  There’s over 25 summer dinner salad recipes from #SundaySupper members.  Beef, chicken, seafood, or just plain veg; there’s a salad here for everyone!

You could make one of these for Mother’s Day!  Which is this weekend.  Can you believe it??  #SundaySupper has got you covered for Mom, too! Next weekend we’re celebrating Mother’s Day in style!  Make sure you join the Twitter chat at 7pm ET Sunday to see what delicious goodness awaits our Moms!

I love me some grilled steak on a salad.  It’s delicious, healthy, and, well, who  can really say no to perfectly grilled steak on top of cool, crisp greens?  I know I can’t!!

25+ Summer Dinner Salad Recipes #SundaySupper

Summer Dinner Salad Recipes

Brilliant Beef Salads

Same with chicken.  I’d rather spend a few minutes outside grilling up some meat to put on top of a rainbow of vegetables like this one.  Doesn’t that just scream, “EAT ME!”  The peppers, the tomatoes, the cucumbers, and that feta!  YUM!  This is what I love about summer!

25+ Summer Dinner Salad Recipes #SundaySupper

Choice Chicken Salads

I’m partial to some steamed shrimp or pan seared scallops on a dinner salad.  I’ve made those before.  But this crab salad?  Never thought of it!  There are many seafood salads below that I wouldn’t have thought of!

Superb Seafood Salads

My Muffaletta pasta salad didn’t looks near as good as this one.  It tasted great, but I’m so not good at photographing salads.  Where’s my fork!  I need to dive into this one!

Vibrant Veggie Salads

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