Search Results for: duck

Co-Hosting Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop with Ducks ‘n a Row

Co-Hosting Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop with Ducks ‘n a Row

November!  Do you believe it? This year is flying by. Goodbye October. Hello November. And, with November comes 3 excellent new co-hosts!!! Let’s take a moment to get to know our co-hosts… CHRISTIE:  I’m Christie and I am A Kitchen Hoor.  At least that’s what my friends call me.  I’ve been in a kitchen since I was tall enough…

Grilled Ostrich Loin
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Grilled Ostrich Loin with Easy Risotto

Ostrich loin is very lean, packed with protein, and delicious!  If you haven’t tried ostrich meat before, then try this simple Grilled Ostrich Loin with Easy Risotto.  It’s a meal that can be on the table in about 20 minutes any night of the week!  I received product for review but all opinions about ostrich are…



#10DaysofTailgate – THANK YOU EVERYONE!! #10DaysofTailgate is finally over. *sigh* MAN what a rush!! I had a blast getting to interact with all of these wonderful bloggers and sponsors!! A huge and heartfelt, “Thank you” goes out to Camilla from Culinary Adventures with Camilla. Without her invitation I would not have had such a wonderful…

Restaurant Kibe in Bosnia Dishes up Delicious Roasted Lamb and Touring the Market

Restaurant Kibe in Bosnia Dishes up Delicious Roasted Lamb and Touring the Market

Finally!  It’s Friday.  I swear it was the longest week EVAH!  I don’t think I’ve been happier it was a Friday in a while.  Usually it’s just another day to me.  But today!  MAN was I happy!  I seriously needed some weekend rest.     Today was inventory day.  Yup. We found issues.  More issues…

McD’s in Bosnia, Zeljanica, Sirnica, Krempita, and Shopska

McD’s in Bosnia, Zeljanica, Sirnica, Krempita, and Shopska

I had no expectations for breakfast.  I just didn’t.  I never do. As long as there’s cereal I’m happy. And there was.  There were a few other interesting items, too.  There are at least 4 types of cheese: feta, smoked Gouda, mozzarella, and a spicy smoked something.  I’m not sure what type of cheese it…

Co-Hosting Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop with Some Funtastic Bloggers!

Co-Hosting Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop with Some Funtastic Bloggers!

Is it my imagination or are the days going faster now that we’ve entered November?  Well, I don’t know how to explain it but here we are at another fantastic party. Welcome to Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop #47! There were some really great shares last week and we have a nice surprise of a new…