Buttery Blue Cheese Spread with Walnuts
Buttery Blue Cheese Spread with Walnuts
Southern Living, DECEMBER 2000
I made this last Christmas and decided to make it again this Christmas for CTM and I to snack on. It’s REALLY good. This time, I tried to cut the recipe in half so it wouldn’t make so much. I used 1/4 c margarine, 12 ounces of LF cream cheese, and 4 ounces of RF blue cheese. It’s really good. If you like blue cheese, this spread is right up your alley. I forgot the chives and used Foxpoint from Penzeys this time. It’s not as oniony, but it did the trick. I’m having some with celery as a snack today at lunch.
Measuring cups and spoons
Knife (or kitchen sheers to trim the chives)
Large mixing bowl
Hand mixer
Small bowl to serve it in