Ćevapi in Bosnia Pashminas and Hand Making Lace
A very VERY VERY foggy day in Sarajevo today. Is it really only Thursday? Come on weekend! Hurry up!
I need a rest. I need some down
time. I need a break from being ON
24/7. Those with work travel can
understand that. The “on”
few of our stomachs. I wanted something
else. So, we had pizza. It was good.
I ordered a salad with a mushroom pizza.
The pizza isn’t heavily sauced, which I like. It’s light, and crispy, and has more than
just mozzarella on it, I think. I think
there’s cheddar or something like that on it. The pie was perfect and not heavy like our pizza is.
We flew through work, again. D offered to usher us around the city and
take us to a wine and cheese shop for some more rakja. I bought a bottle a white Bosnian wine. It came highly recommended. I just hope it makes it across the pond. I’ve packed it with some towels that I
*coughBORROEDcough* from the hotel. I
also bought some Belgian chocolate to nibble on while I’m at work. I have this thing about nibbling something
sweet after lunch. Usually chocolate, or
a pastry bar of some description, but something. So, I bought some EXCELLENT chocolate. I tossed the box, so I have no idea what kind
it was. LOL
Then, D insisted we have Ćevapi; the national dish of
BiH. It’s finger shaped ground meat
that’s grilled and served with pita and onions.
Wow. HEAVY! This is not something you eat and then run a
marathon. This is something you eat and
then immediate take a nap. It’s
heavy. Delicious, but heavy.
I told S it was like hamburger shaped
sausages that were YUMMY! It’s also
served with the yogurt drink and you can ask for sour cream which wasn’t sour
cream like we know it. It was the
consistency of butter that was just interesting. I can’t really explain it.
The restaurant was apparently THE place in town to get this yummy treat. We waited about 5 minutes for a table. It was PACKED! The beef was tasty and juicy. The pita was FABULOUS! It was crisp and tasty and perfect for the beef fingers. If you’re in Sarajevo, found this gem of a restaurant and treat yourself to the best cevapi in town.
After that, it was almost REQUIRED that we walk around the old part of
town and through the market. There’s
TONS of Turkish coffee sets. Lots of
brass and maybe silver? Or at least
steel? *shrugs*
Then there’s the mall part that’s like a Turkish bazaar. We all ogled over the pashminas in all
different colors. I got sucked in and
purchased 4. They were cheap. Really cheap.
I was in awe of the woman sitting there making lace. Like, MAKING lace with spools of thread
spread out on a table. It was just
fabulous to see. I asked if I could take
this photo, thank you very much!
another day. We walk back to the car,
and part ways. I wasn’t really up to
having dessert and drinks again tonight.
I need down time before I go to sleep.
I can’t walk in the door at 10 and then go right to sleep. It takes me at least an hour.
I spread out my purchases of the day on the counter for you to envy. Aren’t they so colorful and pretty? I can’t wait to open them up and use them
when I get home.
While I was trying to get my down time in, I came across this on the
television. I had NO idea that this was
a serious sport. Is this next at the Olympics? *shrugs*