Crunchy Dijon Pork Chops
I can’t believe that in less than a month we’ll be married. I still need a dress, shoes, cake, plan our weekend while we’re there. Make dinner reservations… GAH! Yeah, I know. It’s not one of those HUGE weddings where there’s a crapton of things to deal with. I’ve never been on of those girls.
I have issues accepting compliments so to showcase myself makes me freak out. Seriously. Freak. Out. Even after almost 7 years together, I still have difficulties saying thank you when S compliments me. I blush. I’m embarrassed. I’m a wall flower. Yes. I know it doesn’t seem like that here. That’s because this is the internet and it’s the food that gets the compliments in my eyes. Sometimes I still get embarrassed and blush when one the big bloggers notices me. *snort* Like being invited to sit with the cool kids at lunch!
Yes. I have body issues. I have self esteem issues. I’ve never been one to receive many compliments in my life from strangers. Guess that’s where it all starts. *shrugs*
AND this is not a path I want to go down..
*changes topic*
Um…so fiscal year end went SO SMOOTHLY compared to years past. AND I was in the thick of it and at the heart of it!! The financial reporting was my baby this go around and I tried to stay on top of all issues and prepare for emergencies. Granted I wasn’t prepared when obligations popped up in 2008 *coughCLOSEDcough* and then the whole didn’t deliver funds and obligate funds thing happened. BUT that’s okay! We didn’t use the plug in for Excel and just went straight spreadsheet. LOVE THAT! That gave us more latitude and leeway to deal with the emergencies that came up.
I got a chuckle when A relayed the conversation he had with D about loading the final report. *D looks at clock* So early? *gigglesnort* YUP! No late night drama this time! THANK MACY! I have been frustrated to tears the last two quarters that I DID NOT want to deal with that this time. I prepared reports almost ALL month to locate any problems and make corrections.
I’m just happy it’s over and have some training to do. They no longer want me to be the only one to know this stuff. Really? Surprising! Um…remember there were two other people SUPPOSED to be doing this? Yeah? No? *shrugs* Oh well. C’est la vie!
I have issues with oven baked crispy stuff. It’s never been, well, crispy! I am TOTALLY convinced that toasting the panko makes ALL things crispy. I’ve done it twice. Yeah. The second recipe hasn’t posted yet. Stay tuned…

Crunchy Dijon Pork Chops
There's a quick tip to getting super crispy oven baked chops. You'll just have to read about how I get these Crunchy Dijon Pork Chops super duper crispy!
- 1 cup panko, toasted
- 1/4 cup egg substitute
- 1/4 cup Dijon mustard
- 1/2 teaspoon garlic salt
- 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
- 1 pound pork chops, trimmed
- Preheat oven to 425.
- Lightly toast the panko in the oven about 3 to 4 minutes or until golden brown.
- Combine the egg substitute and mustard in a shallow dish. Pour the panko into another low dish.
- Trim the pork chops and dredge in the mustard mixture then the panko.
- Place the chops in a roasting pan with a rack coated with cooking spray.
- Bake at 425 for 7 to 10 minutes, turn over and bake an additional 5 to 7 minutes or until the chops are cooked through.
Hope to try these tonight.
I hope you enjoy them.