
*drum roll* And the winner iiiiiiiiiiiis… #giveaway

Sharing is caring!

Before I announce the winner, I have a few thank yous to send out.  I’d like to thank Nicole Dervan of Runner by Accident and Lindsey at the Lean Green Bean with her Foodie Penpals program for my lunch today.  Remember this picture?

Well, I had put all but the quinoa and the Kind bars in my snacks drawer at work.  You see, we had Caesar salad last night for dinner and I forgot to put some in a bowl for lunch today.  I started to get a little hungry, so I opened my snacks drawer and low and behold what did I find there?  This package of yummy lunchy goodness!
I tore into the package and smelled the tasty curry numminess that is Bombay Potatoes from Tasty Bite.
This had potatoes and chickpeas in a nice, spicy curry sauce.  One package is 2 servings, but I ate them both since I didn’t have anything else for lunch.
It’s spicy.  If you’re not ready, it’s spicy.  Me likey spicy.  It was a perfect lunch for today!  That and the apple fruit leather she sent me, I was all set for lunch!  Thank you Nicole for sending me lunch and Lindsey for hosting the program which got Nicole to send me lunch!  *muahs*
And now…thank everyone for allowing me to get my feet wet in giveaways.  I didn’t think I’d have even half as many entrants as I did.  I guess I underestimate this little blog of mine.

Perusing the Conscious Box website and ordered my own subscription.  I can’t wait to see what I get and will DEFINITELY be blogging about this little eco-friendly company.  Oh what tasty vittles and new products lay in store for me in the near future!

And without further adieau, *drum roll* the winner is…………..


Please check your email.  If I don’t hear from you in 48 hours, I will be forced to select another winner.  🙁

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