Sharing is caring!
Well, I had put all but the quinoa and the Kind bars in my snacks drawer at work. You see, we had Caesar salad last night for dinner and I forgot to put some in a bowl for lunch today. I started to get a little hungry, so I opened my snacks drawer and low and behold what did I find there? This package of yummy lunchy goodness!
I tore into the package and smelled the tasty curry numminess that is Bombay Potatoes from Tasty Bite.
This had potatoes and chickpeas in a nice, spicy curry sauce. One package is 2 servings, but I ate them both since I didn’t have anything else for lunch.
It’s spicy. If you’re not ready, it’s spicy. Me likey spicy. It was a perfect lunch for today! That and the apple fruit leather she sent me, I was all set for lunch! Thank you Nicole for sending me lunch and Lindsey for hosting the program which got Nicole to send me lunch! *muahs*
And now…thank everyone for allowing me to get my feet wet in giveaways. I didn’t think I’d have even half as many entrants as I did. I guess I underestimate this little blog of mine.
Perusing the Conscious Box website and ordered my own subscription. I can’t wait to see what I get and will DEFINITELY be blogging about this little eco-friendly company. Oh what tasty vittles and new products lay in store for me in the near future!
And without further adieau, *drum roll* the winner is…………..
Please check your email. If I don’t hear from you in 48 hours, I will be forced to select another winner. 🙁