FitsMeApp Fits Your Lifestyle – A New Food
Many of you might have caught on, some maybe not so much, but DD (Dear Dad) and DSM (Dear Step-Mom) are both following a low carb diet. More power to them. I love my carbs WAY too much to do that. I think I’d have withdrawal. This combined with the simple fact that they pretty much buy whatever they want and need makes it difficult to give them gifts.
“How so?” you ask? Well, since they can and do buy whatever they want and need, I tend to lean more towards hand made gifts. I’ve gone the scarf route. I have yet to see them wear them. Actually, I’ve yet to see ANYONE wear ANYTHING I’ve made them. *note to self…*
Stay with me. There’s a point to this rambling.
So, the only other talent I have left is the food route. No cookies. No brownies. No bread. And there’s only so many spice mixes you can give a person. Just sayin. That’s when I found the FitsMe website. Actually, they found me. They contacted me and asked me to check them out. So I did!
“What is it?” you ask? Well, it’s a recipe website, but not just ANY recipe website. Fitsme “provides users with the ability to browse recipe and food dishes that are tailored to fit the individuals’ dietary preferences.” You can generate filters that will omit recipes with certain ingredients like potatoes or pasta if you’re doing a low carb diet. Or if you’re allergic to nuts, you can select that as a filter. It’s a neat and unique way to view recipes. You can also create meal plans based on these filtered recipes. Imagine being able to whip up a week’s worth of meals in one place and have all the nutritional and dietary information handy.
How does it work? When you register for the site, the first thing you’ll want to do is create a food personality profile. You can input diets, restrictions, allergies, types of cuisines, likes/dislikes, and other miscellaneous preferences you usually use in selecting recipes. If the something isn’t listed, you can easily click on the + and add it. Once you’ve set that up, you can start browsing the recipes. Simple as that! Their “food personality profile is used as a persistent filter to find the recipes that fit you best.”
The cool thing about this site is the rating system: Forks Up & Forks Down. After some browsing and rating, the site “learn about the food combinations, methods, and styles of cooking you enjoy most”. After time, it will only show you recipes that fit your likes and your dietary needs. It’s like millions of dog-eared magazine recipes all on one site! I know, right??
Not only can you view recipes, but you can create meal plans. “A meal plan should reflect your lifestyle.” I love that from their website. It’s so true!! And on this site you can create weekdays, daily, weekly, several weeks, it’s up to you! Take our meal plan, for instance. I only plan for dinners 6 nights a week and lunch 1 afternoon a week. Rarely is there a breakfast planned. I can make a meal plan just the way I want it! And it’s super simple to make one. I am ashamed to admit that I type mine up. Archaic, I know. *hangs head in shame*
This site can also follow your schedule! If I use it consistently, it will learn that I have a slow cooker meal either Tuesday or Thursday. It can learn that I take a little extra time on Wednesdays for a healthy meal and that Sundays are for something super delicious and time consuming. It can even learn that we do a #MeatlessMonday! It can be an amazing tool and completely change the way you eat and plan your meals.
If you’re riddled with allergy prone family members, or simply want to lower your sugar or carb intake, I highly recommend checking out their site. It’s an amazing tool that will help make menu planning easier and healthier! So, please head on over there and check out this unique and excellent recipe website. It will revolutionize the way you eat!
Once you sign up, please make sure you follow them on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and their blog on WordPress.
This is a sponsored post from Fitsme through Sverve. I am being compensated for this post but all opinions are completely my own..