
#FoodieFriDIY 92 – #BrunchWeek Inspirations

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#FoodieFriDIY 92 – #BrunchWeek Inspirations

FF 2016 04 21

So, apparently work doesn’t like my blog….again.  It goes through fits and spurts depending some algorithm or whim of some IT person.  Lord knows.  It’s frustrating at best because I do a lot of blog stuff before I start work.  I mean, I get to work about an hour early.  What’s a food blogger to do?

So, I resort to doing all the things I can do while I’m there and just email myself the file to copy and paste into the new post.  That’s what a food blogger is to do.  So not idea.  Anyway, thanks to Bowl Me Over, I was able to, at least, get some features selected.  No.  This post is NOT scheduled a week in advance.  Are you kidding me?  I’m lucky if it’s even scheduled an HOUR in advance!

So, this week’s features are inspiration for #BrunchWeek that I’m participating in at the beginning of May.  Yeah, I need to get THOSE posts written and scheduled so I don’t have to deal with the whole work-hates-my-blog thing.  But it’s going to be EPIC!!  I hope y’all follow #BrunchWeek so you don’t miss any of the brunch-y goodness.  We have Diamond sugar, Cabot cheese, Le Creuset, Kitchen IQ!  Tons of sponsors for some delicious inspiration for all recipes you could make for a brunch.  It even has its own Instagram account.  I highly suggest you follow that, too.

So, on to the party this week!  I am super excited to see what y’all have cooked up or created to share with us.

Christie @ A Kitchen Hoor's Adventures Michelle @ A Dish of Daily Life Debra @ Bowl Me Over Image Map

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    1. Ha! Without the help of your site, I couldn’t get my features chosen! Thankfully the DNS issue has worked itself out and I can access my site at work. SO glad you joined our group.

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