Gastronomique Tour de Colombia v2.9
Last full day in Bogota! YAY! Today is a tour of a site for a school. Without getting into too much detail, our programs help train those in the military and judiciary fields in Colombia. So, we were touring a site that will cost muchos pesos to fix up. I mean fix-er upper doesn’t even DESCRIBE this location. Some of the classrooms smell HORRID! The roof is like clay that’s covered in moss and falling apart. Anyway, it’s a mess. So that was Thursday morning. I have a TON of pictures, but I’m not going to post them for security reasons. *gigglesnort* I’ve always wanted to say that and have it actually be true. LOL
I did, however, take some non-descript scenic type photos:
I have this thing with photographing cacti. They’re just so neat! I couldn’t resist this huge ones growing out of the ground like that. And I also have this thing with doors…and fungi….unfortunately, I couldn’t get the photograph of the fungi to come out well. It was too bright.
We headed back to the office where D went off to see the virtual learning center while A and I checked in on our spreadsheet/workbook project. Um….yeah there are more changes. GREAT! I’m sure there will be even more later when I get back to headquarters, but I seriously wanted to be done with it. *sigh* What’s a spread sheet hoor gonna do.
So D got back from the other center and we headed to the cafeteria for lunch. I had another sammy.
It’s turkey ham with mozzarella, lechuga, tomate, black olives, pimenton, and mustard. As always, it was yummy and HUGE. I will miss the little bags of plantain chips. They are SO good!! Much better than the ones we get here.
So last minute adjustments done to the magic workbook and finally it’s time to head back to the hotel, hit the Carulla, then dinner, pack and bed. Gonna have a long day tomorrow. I didn’t photograph dinner. It was spaghetti with 4 cheeses. It was excellent. I’m not sure why L said that the food wasn’t good at the hotel. That was excellent. And the drinks were plenty. I had one mojito and one caiprinha. I didn’t think to ask if they knew how to make those. I mean, they have Brazilians there all the time. There was a huge bus of them on Saturday. Why wouldn’t they know how to make that? Um…I think I’ve had enough. I am packed and ready to be home. Who’s kidding! I was ready to be home the minute I landed. Hasta manana!