Lazy Polish Dinner
What’s easier than baking dinner on one sheet? Nothing. This Lazy Polish Dinner goes in the oven in minutes and is on the table in under 30.
Quick and easy. That’s the motto for our weeknight meals. Cause, well, #66sucks. This week alone, we saw a fire truck block two of the four right lanes. An accident blocking the left lane. And that was just one of the 5 mornings we drove to work. On the way home, we COULD have sat in 2 hours of traffic because one of two lanes were blocked on the way home in the afternoon. I honestly could have a whole blog – no, not just post. WHOLE BLOG! – about how craptastic this freeway is. But, I’ll just leave it at it’s craptastic and move on.
So, because it’s craptastic I’m always looking for simple and quick meals to get on the table in a short time. I mean, aren’t we all? Who wants to be in the kitchen for hours on end after working 8 hours, sitting in 1 1/2 hours of traffic, and have 4 hours before it’s time to hit the sack and start the rat race all over again. So, simple and quick is the motto for our weeknight meals. I even try to get some prep done on the weekends to make the weeknight meals go a little faster; you know, chopping, sautéing, soaking, and even some cooking just to make the weekday meals faster. ANYTHING to get food on the table in a reasonable time.
Yes. That’s exactly why you’ve been seeing all those one pot meals on my blog. I’ve been trying some sheet pan dinners, too, but just haven’t gotten that method down yet. I’ve made a couple that just weren’t blog worthy. I’m working on them. This is the first that came out exactly the way that I hoped.
Granted, it’s not an in depth recipe. It’s truly just chop and bake. That’s why I just had to share it with y’all. For those nights where you just don’t really have tons of time, if you keep these three ingredients on hand – yes, I said just three ingredients – and you can easily have dinner on the table in under 30. And not a so so, halfhearted, only takes okay dinner. To me, this dinner was delicious! Then again, I am partial to pierogies and Polish sausage.
One of these days, I’ll have to make the homemade pierogies from the family cookbook, but just haven’t. It’s a memory I’m not sure I want to corrupt by making them. You know what I mean? I mean, they all say that your memory is better than it actually was when you ate it. And when you eat it again, you’re disappointed because your memory is fooling you. Well, I remember those pierogies being out of the park awesome and, well, I just don’t want to corrupt that memory. So, I’m hesitant to make them from scratch. But, I just might.
Yes. I’m tired. It’s been a long week and a really sucky weekend for reasons I’ll have to discuss in another blog post. Maybe the post that I teased y’all with on my Instagram on Friday. And, oh yeah, that sandwich was DA BOMB! I almost didn’t take photos of it because I was oh so tired, but it looked so amazing and tasted even more amazing. I just couldn’t resist taking some photos and sharing that yummy, quick, Friday night take out dinner and sharing it with y’all. Stay tuned. That post will be #ontheblog soon.
Where was I? See! I AM tired!
Oh, right, making them from scratch. At some point, I may just do that, but for now, I’m quite happy to use the trust Mrs T’s pierogies to make dinner simple and quick. Now…I could easily make and freeze so I have my own Mrs T’s in the freezer. Now, there’s a thought!!
I just love the color of purple cabbage don’t you? It just takes a simple meal like this and turn it into something deliciously colorful. Like, making it all purdy and what not. It doesn’t really taste any different that I can tell, but it’s just so much fun to cook and eat because of its colors. Colors make dinner better!
See what I mean?? Just look at that plate of prettiness. The cabbage got a nice roasted crispy edge on the outside leaves, the sausages got nice and browned, and the pierogies are nice and crispy. I like mine crispy, don’t you? No? Okay. I like mine crispy so I can easily dip them into sour cream. This always makes the hubs shudder. He can’t stand sour cream not cooked or baked into something. He’s not a huge fan of its individual flavor. I get that. I’m the same way with cilantro, salmon, and asparagus. Actually, no I’m not. I just downright don’t like those things at all. LOL
And with that, I will leave you with this simple and delicious, kid friendly, weeknight meal. What’s your favorite quick meal after a long day?

Lazy Polish Dinner
What's easier than baking dinner on one sheet? Nothing. This Lazy Polish Dinner goes in the oven in minutes and is on the table in under 30.
- 14 ouces turkey sausage
- 2 cups sliced cabbage
- 12 pierogies
- Preheat oven to 375.
- Cover a baking sheet with aluminum foil and spray liberally with cooking spray.
- Lay the pierogis on one side of the baking sheet and spray lightly with cooking spray. Place the cabbage on the other side of the baking sheet. Scatter the sausage between the cabbage and pierogies and bake at 375 for 25 to 30 minutes or until the pierogies are crispy and golden and the cabbage is tender.
- Remove from the oven and allow to cool slightly before diving evenly between 4 plates. Serve with apple sauce or sour cream.
This lazy Polish wife totally approves of your lazy Polish dinner, I even eat my sausage with applesauce, too 🙂 I usually make this dinner with the sausage and pierogies in a frying pan with onions and canned red cabbage just reheated on the stovetop. This is so much ease and QUICKER – winning and pinning! 🙂
HA! That’s too funny! Glad you approve of this easy and quick Polish dinner.
OMG is #66sucks a real hashtag? I love it. But I don’t love how it affects you and your family 🙁 I’m digging the purple cabbage. And the easiness. Just delish. Thanks for sharing this at #SaucySaturdays {how did you get your comment box to appear at the top? been trying to figure that out!}
Yup. It’s a real # and people have license plates that say that. It’s that bad. Thank you for hosting the party! Such goodness shared there. And I have no idea how I got the comment box there. It must be the theme I’m using?
This looks so delicious,and as you mentioned,it is really easy to prepare too….
Thank you! It’s so simple I hope you try it!
Oh I love all 3 of these….I will definitely be trying this soon!
I hope you do! Let me know how it turns out.
This Cleveland native LOVES this meal–nothing better than kielbasa and pierogies! YUM
Oh the irony! A lot of these meals with kielbasa are from ideas the hubs and I kicked around. He’s from Cleveland!