McD’s again, Veggie Risotto and Hurmašice
More breakfast exploration. I tried the other cereal that wasn’t cocoa
puffs. Man. It was crunchy. Really crunchy. I’m eating it thinking, “Maybe this is
supposed to be like a hot cereal? And I should
have used the warm milk instead of regular, cold milk?” I crunch through it anyway. I topped it with some of the drinkable
yogurt. I’m thinking probiotics might be
a good thing to get into on this trip.
I come to Bosnia and have McD’s.
How exciting. Yes. Probiotics are good at this point.
We trudge through more paperwork. We are FLYING at this rate! We’ve made more headway on this project than
any of us could have even begun to imagine.
It’s so different than previous trips.
Granted, we’re only working with one section and not both. This program doesn’t coordinate with the
other section. They will now, but they haven’t
in the past. They are separate entities
in the embassy, unlike Bogota.
I don’t want to gain 800 pounds.
But I do have to have something sweet after lunch, so I grab a few
pieces of the Belgian chocolate I purchased.
Man, that stuff is tasty! SO much
better than anything we can get in the States, and that’s INCLUDING Godiva. Yup. I
said. It’s better than Godiva! I feel like I’ve cheated on Godiva now…I need
a divorce.
again. I don’t mind. The food was good last night. I can’t imagine it will suck tonight. I ordered the vegetable risotto. It was good.
It was better than I thought, but it did taste a bit like glorified
Lipton sides. Don’t get me wrong, it was
delicious, but it just didn’t wow me all that much. It had creamy goodness and the vegetables
were yummy. I don’t know. I guess I can’t really explain it.
dessert. I try something without a
description and I’ve never heard of before. Hurmašice. It’s a dense
cake that is shaped like a date and then soaked in simple syrup. And it’s good! The one I had had coconut in it. It had nice texture and was sweet but not
painfully sweet. You know how sometimes
it’s so sweet it hurts your teeth? Well,
nothing I’ve had here so far is like that.
And more talking ensues. I begin to realize that part of the reason I
can’t get to sleep is there is no down time.
We go from breakfast to work to lunch to hotel to dinner without
stopping. I need down time. I need to de-stress, relax, blog to shut my
mind off and calm down enough to sleep.
And I miss my new hubby. *pout*