October Degustabox Review – Chock full of chocolate, chips, and pumpkin pie soda?
October Degustabox Review – Chock full of chocolate, chips, and pumpkin pie soda?
This month’s Degustabox was chock full of delicious goodness!! I can’t believe that this box costs so little for the amount of food that you get. And it’s not like food I’d normally buy or look for. With the exction of the cereal. I do buy Honey Bunches of Oats all the time so for a couple of weeks in August and September I didn’t have to buy cereal.
Granted, I did get this box for free in exchange for my honest review of the quality of products in the package, the service, and the products themselves. With this box, it truly was fun to try all the items in the package.
Let’s start with the Jones Soda Pumpkin Pie flavor. Now, I’m not really a HUGE PS fan. I love me some pumpkin. And I love me some spice. But I don’t go all crazy ga-ga over the whole PSL or the other pumpkin spice products that creep up year after year. I think this year it was the PS kitty litter that did me on. Are you kidding me??
It had decent flavor. It wasn’t my favorite, but I could see how mixing this with a cake mix could bake up a delicious cake. You could easily pour this over some ice cream and make a delicious float with it. There’s lots you could use Jones Soda for besides drinking.
I couldn’t wait to dig into the Numi Tea. I have an elecric kettle at work so I can brew me some hot beverages in my freezing cold office. Yes, even in summer I’m drinking hot tea because it’s hovers around 65 on our side of the building. However, the other side of the building is much warmer, the net of the two means that facilities doesn’t change the temperature on our side. If they did, then the other side would be too hot. It’s a lose lose.
But not with this tea!! All the flavors I’ve tried have been delicious. The sampler pack included Aged Earl Grey™, Rooibos Chai, Breakfast Blend, Gunpowder Green, Jasmine Green, Orange Spice, Moroccan Mint, and Chamomile Lemon. They are true to flavor, from what I can tell. I think my favorite was mint, but that’s an easy win with me. The harder are the earl greys and other breakfast teas. They’re just not my…cup of tea if you will. But their earl grey was pretty darned good.
I didn’t try this Palo Popcorn, but the hubs did. I had the bagel chips and popcorn out to take to work to try. That’s where I do most of my sampling. Anyway, I left the popcorn out thinking he might be enticed to try some. I was right!
I came home and the bacon cheddar popcorn was still on the counter. He had tried the white cheddar cheese popcorn. I asked him how it was. He said it seemed soggy. He’s used to crispy popcorn that we make at home and not popcorn from a bag. I will definitely be giving the popcorn a try at work with my bacon friend. She’ll definitely give her honest opinion, too.
Of all the items in the box, I will have to say that I enjoyed the Hometown Bagel chips the best. Iam surprised that they weren’t the first thing in my bag to take to work.
I love bagels. Hello? I’m a carb hoor? Anyway, I love everything bagels. I’m not really a sweet bagel eater. I love a plain or sesame bagel dark toasted plain. Yes. PLAIN. I know. I’m weird.
But these chips were right up my alley!! These Hometown Bagel chips were SUPER crispy, had great flavor, and were the perfect snack for a mid afternoon crunch. I actually did break each bag of mini garlic and everything chips up into 2 servings and didn’t scarf the whole bag in one sitting. I am definitely looking for these at the store.
I wasn’t quite sure what to make of the Lovely Candy. Their website says their candy is “kosher, gluten free, non-GMO, has zero fats, and no high fructose forn syrup or artificial ingredients.” Okay so, take you some fruit taffy, strip it of colors and artificial flavors, and that’s Lovely Candy?
Honestly, I couldn’t tell the different flavors of candies. If I wanted something just sweet and didn’t really have a craving for a particular kind of sweet, then these were perfect.
I use La Tortilla Factory tortillas all the time. Their corn tortillas are the best in the grocery, in my opinion. That being said, I knew these were going to be just as delicious.
Now, I’ve tried me some low carb tortillas before. To me, they’re like cardboard. I’m sorry. They really are. There’s no softness or fluffiness to the tortilla. Know what I mean? A corn tortilla should tear apart and not break apart.
These tortillas are soft and delicious They make a perfect bread side for some huevos rancheros, chilaquiles, or even just some chili. Oh yeah. I did. They made decent enchiladas, too.
Next on the excitement list were the Wasa Thins. I have been eating Wasa crackers for decades. DECADES! They’re crispy, delicious, and so so light. I love to eat them straight out of the package.
That’s just what I did with these crackers, too. Not only were they Wasa crispy, but they had the delicious flavor of sesame seeds that I cannot resist. Like ever. I’d drink sesame oil if I could get away with it. Then there’s just the perfect hint of sea salt on top. These babies are so good.
I have heard of Energems but hadn’t seen them at the store yet. I’m all for a pick me up in the afternoon, after lunch, when I usually run out of steam. I saved these to munch on between lunch and time to go home.
I’m not so sure I actually received a boost of energy. Maybe I didn’t. If I did, it wasn’t overly noticable. I DO know that these babies taste delicious. They are chocolately and crunchy. I loved having a little chocolate snack after lunch and, well, who doesn’t love an excuse – I mean reason – to have chocolate?
The Crown Nut almonds were the first things we snacked on from the box. The hubs and I nibled on them while watching television that weekend. They were not as spicy as I thought they were considering they were sriracha flavored. I truly did enjoy them. I was hesitant thinking they would be too spicy, but since they weren’t I would definitely buy them to snack on.
We used the Barilla marinara but not the protein plus pasta. I actually made a few recipes with the jar of marinara. I made something that I shared on my instagram account. If you follow me, you might have seen it. I will definitely be sharing that recipe later. The second recipe I have been trying to get shared for a while. It just doesn’t quite come out right, but this last version was pretty good.
What can I saw about Barilla that hasn’t already been said. Their pasta sauces are delicious. Their pasta is perfect every time. It’s always a name I will reach for on the shelf at the store.
Want your own Degustabox? Click on the image above and sign up for this packed package of delicious, full size, products and snacks.
I receive this box free in exhange for my honest review of these products and this service. All opinions are mine.