
Onion Bombs and Exploding Mac

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Your family will wonder what kind of chemistry your cooking up for dinner when you serve them Onion Bombs and Exploding Mac n Cheese! No need for a Fire Marshall; the only explosion is in your mouth.

The hubs and I used to camp.  I really do want to get back to doing that.  I enjoy it.  I enjoyed it so much, I was researching camping – or glamping – recipes to cook while we were out camping.  There’s many hobo packs, or food cooked in foil packets.  Actually, you could totally use the hobo packet to prepare quick and easy meals at home, too.  I just haven’t done that yet.  It’s on my list.

Your family will wonder what kind of chemistry your cooking up for dinner when you serve them Onion Bombs and Exploding Mac n Cheese!

These onion bombs came up several times in my searches.  So, they WERE on my list.  I’m not even sure if that’s what they’re really called, but the name just sort of stuck with me for some reason.  I mean, it just sounds fun to say!  ONION BOMB!

And, I know.  I look like the DA BOMB in my onion goggles.  Seriously, without those things, this dish would not have made it.  I would have had to ask the hubs to deal with the onion part while I made the rest of the dish.  He’s done that; taken over the onion chopping when it’s obv that I can’t see through the onion tears.  One of millions of reasons why I love that man.

So, I invested in some onion goggles.  They’re a bit small for my head, but do work some magic.  They’re not entirely tear-proof, but pretty darn close.  They helped me get through this meal, that’s for sure.  But, I just thought I looked HAWT so I shared the pic in the collage up there.

I may have to turn this meat mix into an out-and-out meatloaf.  Honestly.  It was amazing!!  It had that delicious mushroom Swiss burger flavor I was totally looking for.  And even though it was ground turkey, which for most means dry and icky, this was SO not dry and icky!

See what I mean?  There’s delicious chunks of diced mushroom right there in that picture.  You can also see the glistening, melted Swiss cheese.  You can just tell that these babies are not dry and icky.  So, don’t shy away from the ground turkey, but not just any ground turkey; the LEANEST ground turkey you can find.

And then, there’s the mac n cheese.  This is an explosion of creamy and cheesy in your mouth.  And there’s so few ingredients you’re going to be amazing at how delicious it tastes.  Now, we used the fat-free versions of the cheeses and the cream, but feel free to use what your family normally eats.  And yes, even with the fat-free versions it was still amazing and a flavor bomb in your mouth.

Now, the hubs did say that it wasn’t easy grilling these babies.  Next time, I may skewer then on the two instead of just one skewer.  That might make flipping them easier.  They just kept wanting to spin around as he was trying to flip them.  But, he had patience and did a great job getting gorgeous grilling marks on those babies.

Now, you don’t have to skewer these.  You could easily wrap them in foil and cook then on the grill.  OR you could even cook them in a baking dish in the oven.  Either way, you’re going to want to make these delicious little onion bombs.

What are you favorite hobo packs or glamping food to make?


Onion Bombs and Exploding Mac

Onion Bombs and Exploding Mac

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 20 minutes
Total Time: 30 minutes

Your family will wonder what kind of chemistry your cooking up for dinner when you serve them Onion Bombs and Exploding Mac n Cheese! No need for a Fire Marshall; the only explosion is in your mouth.


  • 20 ounces extra lean ground turkey
  • 1/4 egg substitute
  • 1 cup bread crumbs
  • 1 cup minced mushrooms
  • 3/4 cup shredded fat free Swiss cheese
  • 1/2 teaspoon steak seasoning
  • 4 large onions
  • 8 ounces cooked macaroni
  • 1 cup fat free cheddar cheese
  • 1 ounces fat free cream cheese
  • 1/2 cup fat free half and half


  1. Combine first six ingredients (ground turkey through steak seasoning) in a medium mixing bowl. Set aside.
  2. Slice the top and bottom off of each onion and then slice in half vertically. Carefully peel each onion and then separate each layer making sure to keep the matching halves together.
  3. Preheat your grill on high heat.
  4. Form the turkey mixture into 16 two inch meatballs. Wrap each meatball with two onion halves. The onion halves should overlap where they meet. Skewer the onion bombs where they halves overlap; securing the meatball in the onion skins.
  5. Grill 5 to 7 minutes or each side or until a meat thermometer reaches 165 to 170. Remove from heat serve with the exploding macaroni and cheese.
  6. While the onion bombs are grilling, cook the pasta according to package directions omitting the salt and oil. Drain and set aside. In the pan, heat the cream with the cream cheese, stirring with a whisk, until the cream cheese is melted. Return the pasta to the pan and stir in the cheddar cheese. Salt and pepper to taste.

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