
Skillet Chicken Kiev with Rice

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A recipe remake turns into this quick and easy skillet meat.  Skillet Chicken Kiev with Rice was once a stir-fry recipe, but is not a flavor packed, buttery, dill-y delicious skillet meal your family will love.

Skillet Chicken Kiev with Rice

When you first start blogging, or at least when I first started blogging, you make recipes and take pictures.  For me, I was just doing it for fun.  Actually, I still am blogging for fun.  My goal is to just keep working at it and slowly build it into something I can do for fun when I retire.  IF I retire.

So, here I am almost 6 years after I started writing and sharing my own recipes.  I look back on those early years, and those photos, and think, “What was I thinking?”  I wish I knew then what I know now.  I’d probably have more followers and more revenue.

Skillet Chicken Kiev with Rice

But, that’s neither here nor there.  We all go through the learning curve.  I don’t know any blogger that doesn’t have content they’d like to redo.  I most certainly have some of my most creative and delicious recipes from my earlier days.  Recipes that I look back on and think, “Why don’t I make that again?  It was so good!”

Well, this recipe is a version of a redo for one of those recipes.

It was initially Chicken Kiev Stir-Fry.  I was, at one point, obsessed with stir-fry recipes.  They’re simple, quick, and can be made with anything.  Case in point.  I also have a Tex-Mex beef stir-fry, a ratatouille stir-fry, and even a bayou stir-fry recipe.

You can take any protein, any vegetables, and any seasonings and make a stir-fry.  Just sayin.

Skillet Chicken Kiev with Rice

And that was my thought process behind this recipe.  I wanted the buttery dill goodness that is chicken Kiev, but didn’t want the time it takes to make the compound butter, pound and roll the chicken, and cook it.  Since it was a stir-fry it had to have vegetables in it, right?  So, I tossed in some green beans?  What was I thinking?  Broccoli was a much better choice for this stir-fry.

So, I set out to redo this recipe that I looked so fondly on and every time I made it I thought, “What if I did this instead?”  I actually said that quite a few times.  Like 6 or 7 to be exact.  Yes, I made this at least 6 if not 7 times to redo the stir-fry recipe.  And look what happened!  It’s a completely different dish entirely.  Who knew that was going to happen?

Skillet Chicken Kiev with Rice

I actually love this much better than the other one.  There is so much buttery flavor combined with the fresh dill and tender chicken.  And all that just penetrates the rice so it’s packed with all that flavor, too.  I’m hungry.  Is it time for dinner yet?

I truly does taste like chicken Kiev.  For those that don’t know what that is, chicken Kiev is chicken cutlet that’s pounded thin and rolled around cold butter which in my experience is a compound butter of garlic and dill.  Then it’s breaded and either baked or fried.  Its origin is unknown but might be attributed to a French chef in the court of Alexander I of Russia.

Skillet Chicken Kiev with Rice

Sorry for the history lesson, but I thought some might be familiar with the dish as it has lost popularity since I first ate had it for dinner.  It was in the same boat as chicken cordon bleu which has lost popularity, too. You just don’t see it on the menu.  Maybe I should start a revival of all the 80’s recipes I loved as a kid and make them skillet meals.  Or at least just try to bring them back.  They were so delicious!

With that being said, I took the tender pieces of chicken and sautéed them with garlic, butter, and a little garlic infused olive oil from my favorite local store Manassas Olive Oil.  Then I took that out of the pan, added some white wine to deglaze the pan and sautéed the rice just a bit before adding chicken stock to the pan.

Skillet Chicken Kiev with Rice

Oh yeah.  I simmered the rice in all that garlic, butter, and chicken goodness along with lots of fresh dill.   I’m not sure why dill is so synonymous with eastern European cuisine, but it is.  And it’s delicious.  I wish there were more recipes with fresh dill.  It has such a great flavor.

Then about halfway through I added the broccoli to steam and the chicken to finish cooking.  And, as if that’s not enough, I stirred in quite a bit more butter and topped it off with a little more dill.

See what I mean?  Doesn’t it look AH-mazing??

Skillet Chicken Kiev with Rice

I feel the need to explain why I tried several different variations of this recipe.  It was all about the timing.  If you kept the chicken in there the whole time the rice is cooking, then you have over cooked chicken.  That’s never a good thing.  If you put the broccoli in too early, then its mush by the time the rice is done.  That’s not good either.

I tried several variations to get the timing right so everything was cooked well, not over cooked, and everything still had the flavors I wanted in this dish.  Sometimes you gotta break a lot of eggs to make some macaron.  I know.  That’s not the saying but it’s my saying.

What recipes would you re-make on your blog?


Skillet Chicken Kiev with Rice

Skillet Chicken Kiev with Rice

Cook Time: 25 minutes
Total Time: 25 minutes

A recipe remake turns into this quick and easy skillet meat.  Skillet Chicken Kiev with Rice was once a stir-fry recipe, but is not a flavor packed, buttery, dill-y delicious skillet meal your family will love.


  • 1 pound chicken breast cut into bite sized piece
  • 1 tablespoon garlic flavored olive oil
  • 1/2 cup butter, divided
  • 1/4 cup freshly chopped dill, divided
  • 1 tablespoon chopped garlic
  • 1/2 cup dry, white wine
  • 1 1/2 cups rice (your choice of white rice. If using brown rice, the cooking time will need to be increased.)
  • 3 cups chicken broth
  • 4 cups broccoli florets


  1. Heat a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add the olive oil and 2 tablespoons butter and swirl to coat. Brown the chicken on all sides. Remove from pan and keep warm.
  2. Melt 2 tablespoons butter in the pan and sauté the garlic until fragrant. Stir in 2 tablespoons of dill and add the rice. Cook for 2 to 3 minutes or until it starts to change color (for me it seems to get more white).
  3. Stir the wine into the pan scraping up any brown bits from the chicken. Simmer until the wine is reduced by half then stir in the chicken broth and 2 tablespoons of butter. Bring to a boil, cover, and then simmer 10 minutes.
  4. Add the broccoli on top of the rice. Do not stir the broccoli into the rice as it might cause some grains of rice to be undercooked. Simply allow it to steam on top of the rice.
  5. Cook an additional 5 minutes then return the chicken and its juices to the pan. Stir and continue cooking 5 to 10 minutes more or until the rice is cooked to your liking.
  6. Stir in the remaining butter and dill before serving.

Did you make this recipe?

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  1. I have never had chicken Kiev, but this recipe makes me want tot give it a try! And happy to know I’m not the only one wondering what I was thinking a few years back!

  2. This looks delicious! I think we both started blogging around the same time. I still cringe at some of the old photos, but at least this gives us a chance to make something we loved again =)

    1. Did we? I didn’t know. I do have some GREAT recipes in those old days. I just need to work through the best and re-make them.

  3. What a great idea for a skillet meal and I love that your redo morphed into something new as you went! I just love how creative you can get in the kitchen and how sometimes you set out to make one thing and end up making something entirely different once you get started!

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