
Turkapple Burgers with Yumback Sauce

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Turkapple Burgers with Yumback Sauce have ground turkey, apples, onions, and jalapenos topped with a delicious yumback sauce made with Blueberry White Pepper fruit ketchup.  They’re flavor packed and perfect for Memorial Day!

Turkapple Burgers with Yumback Sauce have ground turkey, apples, onions, and jalapenos topped with a delicious yumback sauce made with Blueberry White Pepper fruit ketchup. They're flavor packed and perfect for Memorial Day! #SundaySupper

Holy crow, how did Memorial Day sneak up on me??  It’s like next weekend!!  What the…  Please tell me I’m not alone in this.  I’m sure those with kids are saying the same thing, but I have no kids.  At least not the two-legged kind that require school.

It seems like just last week it was my birthday and Mom was here taking Sur La Table classes with me.  And now it’s Memorial Day.  Don’t blink or the next thing you know it’ll be Christmas next.  Wash, rinse, repeat.  Where does the time go??

Turkapple Burgers with Yumback Sauce have ground turkey, apples, onions, and jalapenos topped with a delicious yumback sauce made with Blueberry White Pepper fruit ketchup. They're flavor packed and perfect for Memorial Day!

Blogging!  For me it’s work and blogging.  I’ve started participating in holiday events with my blogging friends, then there’s the sharing groups and Freaky Friday events with another group of bloggers.  I have been going through the motions of blogging just been really dragging my feet with it lately.  I’m just so tired.  I need to blog on the train the mornings like I used it.  That’s two hours where I could get some work done.

I also need to stop being lazy at home and make the recipes I plan and take the photos needed.  Maybe I’ve hit my first slump?  But I don’t blame the blogging for the slump.  I blame the day job.  Oh if only I could do this full time and make 6 figures like tomorrow I’d do that in a heart beat.  But there’s a mortgage and bills that must be paid and, well, I don’t have 6 figure content right now.  At least I don’t think so.

Turkapple Burgers with Yumback Sauce have ground turkey, apples, onions, and jalapenos topped with a delicious yumback sauce made with Blueberry White Pepper fruit ketchup. They're flavor packed and perfect for Memorial Day!

Okay.  Pity party over.

But, after attending the Food Wine Conference this weekend, I have renewed spirits and motivation!  I will CRUSH my Instagram!!  I will embrace and nurture my brand.  And finally, I WILL have pride in my name and not even consider changing it!!

I get so distracted to easily.  It’s pretty sad.  So, back the Memorial Day and easy barbecue recipes.  LOL

Turkapple Burgers with Yumback Sauce have ground turkey, apples, onions, and jalapenos topped with a delicious yumback sauce made with Blueberry White Pepper fruit ketchup. They're flavor packed and perfect for Memorial Day!

Are you grilling this weekend?  Even if you don’t celebrate Memorial Day you can still grill this weekend.  Unless you live on the other side of the globe where it’s winter.  Then, I guess you use a grill pan?  Yes.  It’s a stretch.  But I’m trying to make sure y’all get to have these delicious turkapple burgers this weekend or even next weekend.

You can just see the flavor of the apples, onions, and jalapenos in these burgers.  Please don’t shy away from a poultry burger.  If you give a little help, it will stay moist.  That’s why I’ve added the apples and onions.  They both add moisture to the meat and help it from getting dry while it’s cooking.  This is true for a turkey meatloaf or turkey meatballs.  Just saying…

Turkapple Burgers with Yumback Sauce have ground turkey, apples, onions, and jalapenos topped with a delicious yumback sauce made with Blueberry White Pepper fruit ketchup. They're flavor packed and perfect for Memorial Day!

Okay.  I’m sure you’re saying, “what in the world is yumback sauce?”  So, I was looking for a burger sauce.  Something unique and interesting to make with the Not Ketchup sauce.  I kept seeing yum yum sauces and comeback sauces.  So, I combined the best of the both worlds and made a delicious yumback sauce with the blueberry and white pepper Not Ketchup.

Now, you don’t have to use the blueberry and white pepper Not Ketchup.  There’s other fruit ketchups out there.  I like ‘Chups.  They’re fairly local to me and have great flavors.  OR you can make your own.  I believe blueberries are in season and a ketchup isn’t all that hard to make.  Well, not that I’ve made one to speak from experience, but from what I’ve read they’re not hard.

Turkapple Burgers with Yumback Sauce have ground turkey, apples, onions, and jalapenos topped with a delicious yumback sauce made with Blueberry White Pepper fruit ketchup. They're flavor packed and perfect for Memorial Day!

Yes.  There are two kinds of cheese on this burger.  The slice we put on while they were on the grill just melted into oblivion.  You couldn’t see it.  I should have learned what I know now from cheese and which ones look best I photos.  So, I had to put another slice of cheese on the burger so you can see there was cheese on the burger.  Because all burgers much have cheese on them.  At least I think so.

And that sweet and delicious yumback sauce is the perfect flavor to pair with the sweet, onion-y, and slightly spicy turkey burgers.  I can hear Denise now about the bun.  I’m bun challenged in photos.  At least I have some good tips now.  Stay tuned for the next burger recipe and check out THAT bun!

What are you grilling up this weekend?


Turkapple Burgers with @NotKetchup Yumback Sauce

Turkapple Burgers with Yumback Sauce

Cook Time: 10 minutes
Total Time: 10 minutes

Turkapple Burgers with Not Ketchup Yumback Sauce are ground turkey burgers with apples, onions, and jalapenos topped with a delicious yumback sauce made with Blueberry White Pepper @NotKetchup.


For burgers:

  • 1 pound extra lean, ground turkey breast
  • 1/2 cup shredded Granny Smith apple
  • 1/4 cup finely diced onion
  • 1 tablespoons minced jalapeno pepper
  • 4 slices cheddar cheese

Blueberry Yumback Sauce

  • 1/2 cup mayonnaise
  • 1/4 cup Blueberry White Pepper Not Ketchup Sauce
  • 2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce
  • 2 teaspoons granulated garlic
  • 2 teaspoons smoked paprika
  • 1 teaspoon white pepper

Remaining ingredients:

  • 4 slices ripe tomato
  • 4 slices thinly sliced red onion
  • 4 hamburger buns


  1. Preheat grill to medium-high.
  2. Combine the first 4 ingredients in a medium mixing bowl. Form into 4 patties and grill 2 minutes. Turn the patties 45 degrees and grill an additional 2 minutes.
  3. Carefully turn the patties over and grill 2 minutes, turn 45 degrees, and grill 2 more minutes or until cooked through an no longer pink in the middle. Remove from heat, top with cheese, and allow to rest while you make the sauce.
  4. Combine the next six ingredients (mayonnaise through white pepper) in a small mixing bowl with a whisk.
  5. Spread the sauce on the top and bottom of each of the four buns. Place a burger on each bun and top with the tomato and the onion. Serve with french fries and the remaining sauce for dipping your fries because you don't want to waste any of that deliciously yummy yumback sauce.

Did you make this recipe?

Please leave a comment on the blog or share a photo on Instagram

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  1. It all sounds awesome….first the burger had some of my favorite things in it (that is jalapeños and apples) and then you throw in that intriguing Yumback sauce. And then I read about the blueberry Whitepepper Not Ketchup which I will now have to check out. Great recipe!

    1. Thank you! I love Not Ketchup. Erika is super sweet. I have ‘Chups near me and they have completely different flavors. Erika has a no sugar line coming out soon, too.

    1. I’m with ya! I had to put cheese on our chicken burgers tonight for dinner. A burger without cheese is just a patty on a bun. Not a burger.

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