Zombie Fingers (Bacon Wrapped Dates)

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Zombie Fingers (Bacon Wrapped Dates) have the perfect combination of sweet, salty, savory, and crunch your guests will devour!

Zombie Fingers

I can’t believe Halloween is this week.  Where does the time go?  Oh yeah.  It vanishes when you’re at work lots in the last two months and cannot take a day off or telework.  That’s where it goes.  I forget.

I think Halloween is my favorite holiday.  Even above Christmas, I think.  I mean, I love Christmas for the decorations and the tree, but I love dressing up as someone or something else for the day.  It’s fun to have your co-workers see into your life a little bit and who you are personally.  That doesn’t usually happen for me.  I’m a pretty private person at work.

Zombie Fingers

When I was in my 20s I made a killer costume.  It was a renaissance wench style costume.  It had crushed red velvet, teal shirt, and gold embossed accents.  I loved it.  I wore that costume for many years and loved it.

Then, I got a couple of saris.  They’re gorgeous.  I wore those for a few years.  They are a bit much to deal with for a commute though.  I don’t understand how those women wear them all the time.

Zombie Fingers

All of this talk reminds me of a childhood memory from Halloween.  I don’t remember if I’ve told this story or not, but I’m going to tell it again, so grab a popcorn ball or two and settle in for a little story.

When I was 5 or so there was a Halloween event at the church.  Now, I need to preface this little story.  There are few memories I have of when I was little.  This is one that is pretty stuck in my head.  I’m not sure why, either.  The only thing I can think of is I truly loved that costume and when I think of it, I think of this memory.

Zombie Fingers

Now, back to the church.  I was wearing the costume that won me a box of Russel Stover candies.  We didn’t have a lot of money for things like this so it was a true treat to win that box.  The costume?  It was a genie costume.

Mom took some tulle and made some pants.  I had a leotard on underneath and my hair in a ponytail.  There was something magical about that costume that I believed I was a genie and could make or grant wishes.

Zombie Fingers

So, there I was gathering up my things because Mom was getting ready to pick us up.  The next thing I know, I could hear my older sister crying or scared or something like that because someone was trying to snatch her up.

I knew who it was.  I could tell even at such a young age that it was my mother.  She was trying to kidnap my sister who didn’t recognize her and was consequently terrified.

Zombie Fingers

You’re probably thinking, ‘How horrible!”  Maybe.  I was just laughing because I didn’t think my sister was truly that scared of my mother.  She did have a wart painted green made out of bread on her nose, but seriously?

I don’t know why that’s my most vivid Halloween memory.  It’s one of few vivid memories I have as a kid, which is even stranger.  However, it’s a memory I look back on fondly.  I won a costume contest and got a WHOLE box of chocolates that were all mine!!  Who wouldn’t?

Zombie Fingers

Now do you see why I call them Zombie Fingers?  The bacon is the decaying flesh on the outside of the finger.  The date is the muscle that’s still intact and the almond is the bone.  The hubs they looked more like knuckles than fingers.  But I’m calling them fingers!

These Zombie Fingers are crispy and salty from the bacon.  Then there’s a sweet center from the dates and the crunchy roasted almonds bring it all together.  The is one perfect appetizer!  It has sweet, salty, and crunchy all wrapped into one.

What’s your favorite Halloween memory?


Zombie Fingers

Zombie Fingers (Bacon Wrapped Dates)

Cook Time: 20 minutes
Total Time: 20 minutes

Zombie Fingers (Bacon Wrapped Stuffed Dates) have the perfect combination of sweet, salty, savory, and crunch your guests will devour!


  • 23 ounces pitted dates
  • 1 1/2 cup roasted almonds
  • 1/2 pound baon


  1. Preheat oven to 400.
  2. Place the almonds inside the dates.
  3. Wrap the stuffed dates in the bacon and place on a baking sheet.
  4. Bake at 400 for 15 to 20 minutes or until the bacon is crisp and dates are sheathed through

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  1. I love these Zombie Fingers! Perfect combination of sweet and savory in one bite. Isn’t it funny the things that stand out in our heads from our childhood? One for me, was my step-father following a group of us on a little moped as we were trick-or-treating. I think I was 10, but I was mortified! Ha!

    1. I love it!! I don’t have many memories of actually trick or treating except that one time I left my key at home and was sitting on the porch for almost 2 hours waiting for someone to come home. Oh how memories surface.

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